Wednesday, September 23, 2009

34 Weeks!

Seriously this outfit is horrendous. I should be shot as a fashion victim.

How far along? 34 weeks, 2 days

Total weight gain? 21 lbs - It seems the month of 'insane weight gain & hunger' has come to end. Im a little hesitant to breath a sigh of relief for fear I might get another growth spurt like that. Weeks 28-32 were crazy! I was measuring 2 weeks ahead for that period to, but at my last appt I was back to measuring on track, which I was happy about.

Maternity clothes? Pretty much - although Ive even 'outgrown' most of my maternity tops. I have very few left that are long enough to cover my belly. Old navy blows by the way - I outgrew their stuff weeks ago and refuse to buy anymore. This chilly weather is throwing me for a loop on what to wear.

Stretch marks? not yet

Sleep? Depends on the night, sometimes I wake up wide freakin awake for no reason & cant go back to sleep. Other nights Im so exhausted I think I sleepwalk to the bathroom to pee.

Food Craving? ice cream, milkshakes, cheese fries

Labor signs? nope

Belly Button? Its popped out about half way most of the time - but isnt completely popped otu and if I lay on my back depending on what position the baby is in, itll go back in.

What I miss? being able to bend over! seriously, its getting so bad I can barely tie my sneakers!

What I'm looking forward to? having everything ready so i can relax for a minute before she comes....not sure this will actually happen though!

Weekly Wisdom: keep moving because if you stop using it, you'll lose it

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