Monday, September 28, 2009

35 Weeks -- 35 Days to go!

Uhm so when I got pregnant, I kind of felt like it would go on forever. Now I'm 35 weeks, 2 weeks away from being full term & 5 weeks away from my due date & Im wondering how the heck Ill get everything done in time. They say you wont get into labor until you have 'fully nested' and feel ready for the baby to come. So there is a possiblity I may never have this baby. Ha!
Anyways, here's me at 35 weeks.

Had my midwife appt this afternoon -- Baby is head down (yah!) and curled up with her feet sticking out my right side. Im up 21 lbs total, measuring pretty close just over 34 weeks, and my blood pressure is still low at 90/60 (which is what it always is). Also Im group strep b negative, so that means I dont have to have an IV during labor (yah again!). That was my last test result I was waiting on & now I need to finalize our birth plan and go over it with Joanne at my next appt next week.
Oh yea, I have weekly appts starting next week....deep breaths.
Still feeling good, but kinda large. Bending over is a real pain (literally) and tying my sneakers for my daily walk is getting to be a production. Maybe I need some velcro sneakers or something. Im not really ready for this cold weather, since I basically have nothing to wear!

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