Hello 3rd Trimester! Hello big ol' belly!
Me @ 27 weeks, 2 days:

Lord help me...I think my belly is bigger today.
How far along? 27 weeks (beginning of 7 th month & 3rd trimester!!!)
Total weight gain? 12 lbs (gulp) - as of monday. I havent weighed myself since getting back from FL. Im more than a little frightened to since my belly looks even bigger. Although I ate really well and didnt even go to Sonic or Steak 'n Shake or Krispy Kreme. It was pure torture really.
Maternity clothes? If me wearing the same thing in every picture isnt a tip off, then I dont know what is.
Stretch marks? not yet
Sleep? Getting worse. Some nights are really bad & I think I wake up with a bigger belly. I have to wake up in order to roll over plus the peeing = me waking up atleast 4-5 times per night.
Food Craving? ice cream, milkshakes
Labor signs? nope. still not liking the Braxton Hicks though
Belly Button? Getting creepier by the day. I would recommend not seeing me because I totally show my creepy belly button to people. Its like half flipped out.
What I miss? being able to bend over
What I'm looking forward to? i dont now. all i see ahead right now is getting fatter, which really isnt something to look forward to!
Weekly Wisdom: Never sit next to the fat guy on a plane
Milestones: Last trimester!!