Tuesday, September 29, 2009
When will baby come??
I'd like to direct your attention to the new poll to the right of your screen.
Monday, September 28, 2009
35 Weeks -- 35 Days to go!
Uhm so when I got pregnant, I kind of felt like it would go on forever. Now I'm 35 weeks, 2 weeks away from being full term & 5 weeks away from my due date & Im wondering how the heck Ill get everything done in time. They say you wont get into labor until you have 'fully nested' and feel ready for the baby to come. So there is a possiblity I may never have this baby. Ha!
Anyways, here's me at 35 weeks.
Had my midwife appt this afternoon -- Baby is head down (yah!) and curled up with her feet sticking out my right side. Im up 21 lbs total, measuring pretty close just over 34 weeks, and my blood pressure is still low at 90/60 (which is what it always is). Also Im group strep b negative, so that means I dont have to have an IV during labor (yah again!). That was my last test result I was waiting on & now I need to finalize our birth plan and go over it with Joanne at my next appt next week.
Oh yea, I have weekly appts starting next week....deep breaths.
Still feeling good, but kinda large. Bending over is a real pain (literally) and tying my sneakers for my daily walk is getting to be a production. Maybe I need some velcro sneakers or something. Im not really ready for this cold weather, since I basically have nothing to wear!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Our dogs are confused...
They seem to think that all the baby stuff is theirs. Magnum immediately confiscated the rubber ducky I got at my shower. He even jumped in the basket to get it and run off with it. He has a serious ducky obsession though. Every little toy they think is theirs as well as all the big stuff too. I constantly find all four of them on this playmat thing.

Someone is going to have to have another talk with them...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
34 Weeks!
Seriously this outfit is horrendous. I should be shot as a fashion victim.
How far along? 34 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain? 21 lbs - It seems the month of 'insane weight gain & hunger' has come to end. Im a little hesitant to breath a sigh of relief for fear I might get another growth spurt like that. Weeks 28-32 were crazy! I was measuring 2 weeks ahead for that period to, but at my last appt I was back to measuring on track, which I was happy about.
Maternity clothes? Pretty much - although Ive even 'outgrown' most of my maternity tops. I have very few left that are long enough to cover my belly. Old navy blows by the way - I outgrew their stuff weeks ago and refuse to buy anymore. This chilly weather is throwing me for a loop on what to wear.
Stretch marks? not yet
Sleep? Depends on the night, sometimes I wake up wide freakin awake for no reason & cant go back to sleep. Other nights Im so exhausted I think I sleepwalk to the bathroom to pee.
Food Craving? ice cream, milkshakes, cheese fries
Labor signs? nope
Belly Button? Its popped out about half way most of the time - but isnt completely popped otu and if I lay on my back depending on what position the baby is in, itll go back in.
What I miss? being able to bend over! seriously, its getting so bad I can barely tie my sneakers!
What I'm looking forward to? having everything ready so i can relax for a minute before she comes....not sure this will actually happen though!
Weekly Wisdom: keep moving because if you stop using it, you'll lose it
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Bristol Morgan @ my shower (33wks)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
32 Weeks!!
Here's me @ 32 weeks

Ryan managed to put the crib together, but the height of the springs are too low, so he kind of needs to fix that. We should probably go buy the mattress too!
Yes, I am looking quite rotund. The baby is approximately 3.5 lbs and 16.5" long. She'll be gaining about a 1/2 lb per week til the end of the pregnancy. She still likes to try to lay transverse & attempt to stretch out, which makes her feet come out my side. I think she is starting to run out of room in this direction and am hoping she decides to flip head down & stay down soon -- for my sanity atleast!
The past 4-5 weeks have been ravenous hunger for me, which of course correlates to gaining weight. Im up 20 lbs total and getting a little too close for comfort to my 25 lb goal. I might have to re-assess that though. Ugh. Im hoping this was just a serious growth spurt and things calm down soon. Im starting to really feel the extra weight now too and feel pretty big. This makes me terrified of how big I am really going to get!
Ryan managed to put the crib together, but the height of the springs are too low, so he kind of needs to fix that. We should probably go buy the mattress too!
Yes, I am looking quite rotund. The baby is approximately 3.5 lbs and 16.5" long. She'll be gaining about a 1/2 lb per week til the end of the pregnancy. She still likes to try to lay transverse & attempt to stretch out, which makes her feet come out my side. I think she is starting to run out of room in this direction and am hoping she decides to flip head down & stay down soon -- for my sanity atleast!
The past 4-5 weeks have been ravenous hunger for me, which of course correlates to gaining weight. Im up 20 lbs total and getting a little too close for comfort to my 25 lb goal. I might have to re-assess that though. Ugh. Im hoping this was just a serious growth spurt and things calm down soon. Im starting to really feel the extra weight now too and feel pretty big. This makes me terrified of how big I am really going to get!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Little girls are Made of...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
1. Did you know that you can take your placenta home with you after delivery...all you need to do is bring your own "to-go container" to the hospital and they'll give it back to you with your placenta. I think Ryan plans on eating it. Its kind of like when you kill a deer and you have to take a bite out of the heart to release its spirit back into the wild....err uhm something like that. Anyways, pretty cool, huh?
2. If you dont sign anything upon check-in to the hospital for delivery, you are consenting to everything. If you do not want some of their 'standard procedures' like eye antibiotic ointment, hep C vaccine, vitamin K shot, etc - then you must somehow track down a form and sign that you do NOT want these things. They make it pretty difficult for you for some reason. It seems kind of ass backwards to me.
3. We have our first pediatrician consult meeting tomorrow. He came highly recommended by my midwife and I spoke to the office manager on the phone for quite a while & am hoping it'll be a good match. I will try to keep my doctor bias down to a minimum for the meeting.
4. Sometimes I forget I'm pregnant and randomly wonder why I cant reach something or bend over or other random things. Like when I jump up onto the step rails on the truck and try to reach something in the bed, but instead I slam my belly against the truck and bounce off and wonder what the heck just happened.
5. Why is rolling over in your sleep soo difficult?! When you're not pregnant, you completely take this for granted. You simply roll over and don't even wake up. When you're pregnant it becomes an olympic event. First you have to wake up and wonder why your hip hurts, than attempt to flip over and wonder why its soo difficult, then realize oh you're pregnant and there is essentially 20 lbs attached your belly, then try to maneuver your body to the other side. Technically, I should probably re-adjust my pillows at this point too, but usually Im too darn tired and lazy. Oh and I forgot, you will also realize you have to pee and try to get up and go to the bathroom for the millionth time too. I believe that this process closely resemebles how a beached whale feels, hence my newfound sympathy for them.
6. I'm getting quite large. I am hoping the past month has been a growth spurt and this rate of hunger/weight gain subsides somewhat soon. Otherwise, I will be seriously huge by the end of this. Also, Im actually tired of eating. Yes, I never thought that would be possible, but it has happened. Im sick & tired of eating all the time and trying to think of what to eat and then eating. Maybe its because Im trying to eat well. Maybe if I got to eat a brownies, cakes & a huge bowl of ice cream everyday I wouldnt be soo tired of it. Mmm ice cream. I swear I seriously crave ice cream every freaking day. I try to limit myself to once a week, but it feels like sheer torture I tell you. The whole pregnancy guilt things is quite annoying in my opinion.
7. We are set to announce our baby girl's name soon. Although now Ryan is getting cold feet again on his choice, so we shall see.
2. If you dont sign anything upon check-in to the hospital for delivery, you are consenting to everything. If you do not want some of their 'standard procedures' like eye antibiotic ointment, hep C vaccine, vitamin K shot, etc - then you must somehow track down a form and sign that you do NOT want these things. They make it pretty difficult for you for some reason. It seems kind of ass backwards to me.
3. We have our first pediatrician consult meeting tomorrow. He came highly recommended by my midwife and I spoke to the office manager on the phone for quite a while & am hoping it'll be a good match. I will try to keep my doctor bias down to a minimum for the meeting.
4. Sometimes I forget I'm pregnant and randomly wonder why I cant reach something or bend over or other random things. Like when I jump up onto the step rails on the truck and try to reach something in the bed, but instead I slam my belly against the truck and bounce off and wonder what the heck just happened.
5. Why is rolling over in your sleep soo difficult?! When you're not pregnant, you completely take this for granted. You simply roll over and don't even wake up. When you're pregnant it becomes an olympic event. First you have to wake up and wonder why your hip hurts, than attempt to flip over and wonder why its soo difficult, then realize oh you're pregnant and there is essentially 20 lbs attached your belly, then try to maneuver your body to the other side. Technically, I should probably re-adjust my pillows at this point too, but usually Im too darn tired and lazy. Oh and I forgot, you will also realize you have to pee and try to get up and go to the bathroom for the millionth time too. I believe that this process closely resemebles how a beached whale feels, hence my newfound sympathy for them.
6. I'm getting quite large. I am hoping the past month has been a growth spurt and this rate of hunger/weight gain subsides somewhat soon. Otherwise, I will be seriously huge by the end of this. Also, Im actually tired of eating. Yes, I never thought that would be possible, but it has happened. Im sick & tired of eating all the time and trying to think of what to eat and then eating. Maybe its because Im trying to eat well. Maybe if I got to eat a brownies, cakes & a huge bowl of ice cream everyday I wouldnt be soo tired of it. Mmm ice cream. I swear I seriously crave ice cream every freaking day. I try to limit myself to once a week, but it feels like sheer torture I tell you. The whole pregnancy guilt things is quite annoying in my opinion.
7. We are set to announce our baby girl's name soon. Although now Ryan is getting cold feet again on his choice, so we shall see.
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