Definately can tell a difference this week - although I still just look like that fat girl who ate too much. Dont worry - I didnt actually wear this outfit today - just trying to wear the same thing for the sake of the picture.
Baby is apparently the size of a sweet potato this week - the pic of the sweet potato wasnt very cute, so I decided not to post it. Baby is about 6 inches long & weighs about 7 oz. There is some yucky stuff going on with the skin this week that I really dont want to know about!
How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain: up 5-6 lbs
Maternity clothes? Still holding the fight in regular clothes - but I gotta say, my jeans are pretty uncomfy today. I may give in this week to some maternity jeans.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep? Ok - except for my allergies going nuts
Best moment this week? Felt like I had a growth spurt last Fri & eating the cheese fries at Outback last night
Movement: Nothing confirmed yet, but sometimes I think I feel something - like someone lightly poking me from inside or like a goldfish doing a flip flop in my tummy
Food cravings: Food is good. Mostly I dont know what I want. But I do know when Im hungry. Starting to like ice cream again!
Gender: It is what it is....
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: my flat stomach
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex!
Weekly Wisdom: Husband of a pregnant wife should Never make comments to insinuate that his wife looks fat (no matter if she makes these comments), nor should he implied she has gained too much weight or might gain too much weight, or may not grow some cute tiny bump that she can (and i quote) "wear those little tight tank tops". If you do make such comments, you can be pretty sure you may not make it to see the baby born. tia
Milestones: Starting doing some light weights - squats, curls, etc -- legs very sore.
haha Now your stomach looks almost as big as mine and I'm only 11 weeks! :-p I'm a fatty.
ReplyDeleteYou look great! Adorable!
i think you finally popped!!! YOu look great! It will prob kick ya any day now, right? (Kick Ryan for me...who says that seriously!!!)