Now I just look really THICK. Maybe Im standing funny or someting. That is one weird picture. So Im goin to go with, nope, still don't look pregnant - now I look like Im thick and ate too much.
How far along? 17 weeks, 2 days!
Total weight gain: up 3-4 lbs (look at me gaining a lb a week)
Maternity clothes? Do we have to talk about this?! I'm still refusing although my fat jeans are starting to get slightly annoying. Buying maternity clothes has to be the worst experience ever. I did buy a pair of jeans and a top that were 80% off at kohls last weekend, but still debating if I'm returning them. The quest for a pair of shorts that fit me is still ongoing. Apparently if you're pregnant you must wear shorts with a 7" inseam - NO short, shorts for you!
Stretch marks? Not yet and I still apply cocoa butter every night knowing that it cant really stop them. My only saving hope is that my mom could still sport a bikini after having the four of us.
Sleep? Not too shabby. Last night rocked actually, I was exhausted and slept like a log & only woke up once to pee!
Best moment this week? Hmm not sure, I feel like the week just started.
Movement: I dont think so. Sometimes I think I feel something, but nothing confirmed yet.
Food cravings: I dont now really - right now I want a grilled ham & cheese, but its only 9:28 am. Sigh.
Gender: Still don't know folks!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: wearing little tank tops with built in bras
What I am looking forward to: Feeling the baby's movement
Weekly Wisdom: When I say I'm hungry, feed me immediately
Milestones: Hmm nothing too monumentous really - I guess looking into the different childbirth classes
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