Tuesday, May 5, 2009

14 wks, 1 day (pic)

Here's me this morning:
Ok, now scroll down & see me 2 weeks ago - can you tell a difference?!? Nope, me neither..
Weight gain: up 1.5 lbs - Probably from eating fast food & bar food all weekend since we were away. And it's going to rain all week which will sadly ruin all my intentions on starting to walk everyday.
Anyways...still feeling pretty good. I have been told that no one gets a chance to notice my belly since they're typically staring at my newly enhanced chest.....
Things I learned this weekend:
1. drunk men tailgating at nascar events still yell "show me your tits" at me & didn't seem to0 fazed when I asked if they also wanted to see my baby belly
2. obnoxious smokers in bars are more likely to stop smoking if you preface your complaint with an "i'm pregnant"
3. when being repeatedly harrassed by a police officer at a nascar event, when all else fails put a quiver on your voice and whine that "you're pregnant & are only there to be a sober driver to ensure that the drunks that you're with get home safely" - this will typically make said cop leave you the heck alone
4. although I've always been a "driver", driving very late at night is becoming increasingly difficult (especially with a drunk husband snoring in the passenger seat)
5. when you REALLY have to pee, a dirty port-a-potty in a parking lot becomes heaven

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