Wednesday, January 13, 2010

worst mother ever award

Goes to me today! Yea, so my baby fell on her head this morning. WHaaa?! Yea, you heard me. How much do I suck?
So its like 6:15 am I stumble into her room to nurse her. I change her diaper quick & then lay her on my lap while Im sitting in the glider. I then let go of her (bad idea!) to get my boob out for her. Thats when she decided to use her very strong legs to push off my stomach and push herself right onto the ground. headfirst. I pretty sure I had a heart attack and lost about 5 years off my life. I screamed for Ryan. Bristol started screaming immediately (which turns out was a good thing) and I immediately stuck her on my boob to nurse which immediately calmed her down. Now what?! Hysteria new mom panic sets in and I text Lara to ask what do I do? I dont bothering calling the pediatrician since I know Ill just get a recording and I demand we take her straight to ER. Despite Ryan trying to explain that babies bounce or fall a lot or something, that I dont want to hear, we get her in the car and off to the ER.
Less than an hour later, we are on our way out of the ER because she is perfectly fine according to the doctor & nurses. The doctor was literally with her for 3 minutes, but assured us this happens & she is fine. But this shouldn't happen to my baby!
So I've spent the rest of the day feeling like total & complete crap & staring at her head trying to figure out if it is mishapen or lumpy. I suck.
Bristol, if you ever read this, you can probably make me feel guilty enough to buy you whatever you want....

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lindsay...I'm so glad little Bristol is fine! You must have been terrified....(On a side note, I would delete that last sentence by the time she can read otherwise, you'll be shelling out cash for a new car or gun if she's anything like you:)
