Not sure if I could look any WIDER!! Holy bajesus. I swore to myself that I would be at my pre-pregnancy weight by christmas. I forgot to weigh myself on Christmas, but the day after I weighed in at exactly my pre-pregnancy weight! Yah for me. Boo for my huge fat ass. WTF?! How can I look so horrible still? Yes those are my 'regular' jeans and they are obviously still way too tight. My fat jeans are pretty baggy at this point though and I pretty much look like a slub ( a slub is worse than a slob). Im refusing to buy new clothes until I look better or better yet, just fit into my old clothes. Okay, I will deserve some new shirts since my new huge boobs wont fit into much these days.
My husband who wins the award for worst gift giver of all time got me THREE pairs of sweatpants (yah because one wasnt enough) from various stores where the clothes are made for 16 yr old girls in size small. Of course none of them fit me. Im pretty sure he just likes going in these stores to get help from the 17 yr old whores that tend to work there. This led us to have to go return them and for the stupid young whore to ask me if I would like to exchange them for something. She was slightly taken aback when I explained that I wasnt a 17 yr old whore anymore and therefore refused to shop in said store. I hate skinny people right now.
Tomorrow starts the exercising & dieting. I have no problem cutting my calories down and working out til I pass out to look better -- I find this picture especially motivating. My problem is constantly worrying about my milk supply dropping from losing too quickly. So Im faced with the dilemna of trying to drop some weight more slowly for this not to happen. Ugh. And my other problem is how much do I have to lose? I fit into my clothes when I weighed this much before, however apparently my ass didnt get this memo.
Tomorrow I will take some serious photos and since no one is paying much attention to me, I might even post them.
Now let's discuss my how old and tired I look. okay not much of a discussion, but jeez I look like crap....
And Bristol, you owe your Mama big time for ruining my body like this!
Let me guess the stores, abercrombie, aerospstale and american eagle!!! LOL...that's great:) Once you start working out I'm sure your body shape will change pretty drastically...I've never had a baby but I know that the more I workout the thinner I look even if I weigh the same...
ReplyDeleteI missed a bunch of posts but I just went back and read this one. First of all, for a couple of months after delivery, you look great (and stop scaring me! Lol). Anyway, my friend had triplets last year and told me that she lost all the weight really fast (70 lbs) BUT her hips didn't go back for 4 months. She was back to her normal weight but couldn't get into her old jeans then at 4 months, they just fit again. I think it takes a while for the hips to spread and then takes a while for them to go don't beat yourself up about it. You will be back to normal in 2 more months without any added work!