Monday, July 27, 2009

Staring at Countdown ticker in Bewilderment....

Uhmm....can you see that?!?! Does that say 98 days left?!?! I feel like Im having a slight panic attack - shouldnt I be nesting or have a nursery ready or Something?! Oh crap. Im usually quite prepared & organized, I swear. I feel like I need a week vacation of laying on a deserted beach because Im way too drained to actually acoomplish anything. My excuse is that the crib wont be in for another month, so why not wait til then to get stuff done?
I really need to schedule a hospital tour too so I can feel more comfortable with all the nonsense that they might impose on me. Ive been keeping up with my reading & our childbirth class is going well, although the teacher is a bit on the long-winded side.
I started my research on vaccinations and found out some utter ridiculousness that left me fuming. Apparently you have no choice in what the doctors want to inject into your child because the school district REQUIRES your child has these vaccinations in order to go to school. And Ill be damned if Im going to pay a ridiculous amount in school taxes and not send my kids to public school. Im still quite pissed & looking into this. Supposedly there is a way around this if I "affiliate" myself with a random religious group that is against vaccinations - so screw you CB school district. Im looking more into this as well. Im okay with some vaccinations, although would prefer if they were more spread out. But some things are just ridiculous - like Hep B - please explain to me why an infant only hours old needs to be vaccinated for this. I have never been vaccinated for Hep B & I tested negative. HEP B is a freakin' STD and the only other risk is from blood transfusions which is minuscule even if she needed a transfusion, which the chance of that is minuscule. So once again please tell me why this is necessary & required to go to school. Its completely eff'd up in my opinion. I am still scarred for life from my infant chicken pox vaccination and don't want to scar my kid & I still got chicken pox (yes vaccines arent really all that effective now, are they?!). Ive also never gotten a flu vaccine in my life & Im still alive and kicking. Needless to say that doctors don't really explain to you that its not just a vaccine they're injecting in your baby, but also aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, etc that are in there to "help" make the vaccine work better. Ohh but I ramble on....
I forgot to take my picture today, so you will have to wait.
Other than that, Im super hungry. Like all the time. I could really eat a cupcake right now...or 9.
I promise to not rant as much tomorrow....

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