Look at that big belly! It happend over like 3 days last week & was kind of crazy. My belly button is also getting all stretched out & a lot shallower.
Baby is about the size of a small doll -- almost a foot in length and about 1.5 lbs in weight.
How far along? 23 weeks + 1 day
Total weight gain? 9 lbs - Im really dreading the whole double digit weight gain thing & I know its coming this week especially with us going on vacation.....
Maternity clothes? Pretty much - I can still get away with regular dresses & tops if they're long enough.
Stretch marks? not yet
Sleep? Good when I can get it.
Movement? Feel her moving just about every day now -- usually at night when Im watching tv before bed. She'll actually move my whole belly & you can see it. Sometimes she curls up on one side & sticks her butt out or something and I poke at her. Its creepy & awesome at the same time.
Food Craving? mostly ice ceam (maybe because its hot?)
Labor signs? no thankfully
Belly Button? my belly button is getting really creepy. Its all stretched open and getting pulled out & it hurts if you poke it.
What I miss? Having a choice in clothes to wear
What I'm looking forward to? Our trip to NOLA & Nashville this week - but Im quite scared of getting cankles on the plane ride!
Weekly Wisdom: A bouncer wont really throw a pregnant woman out of a bar because he is too afraid to put his hands on you.
Milestones: We are supposed to start our bradley labor classes this coming Sunday!
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