Sunday, March 22, 2009


So I made a little trip to Babies 'R Us today -- not for myself, but to pick up a baby shower gift for a friend. As I was walking into the store after parking Sally, I took note that she looked more than a little out of place in the parking lot. Among the parking lot filled with mini-vans, suvs, & moderate sedans was my hot mustang. Yes, I'm used to have the sweetest ride in the parking lot, but I had to feel bad for some of those guys getting in their vans or worse yet their priuses (pronounced pre-ASS). I'm writing this so when I'm 9 months pregnant and as big as a house trying to maneuver myself out of my bucket leather seats, I suck it up and roll out of that car if I have to. I feel happy knowing my baby will be well accustomed to the loud purr of the V8 and side exhaust. I guess the baby was really exposed to this early with the whole cobra car-chase fiasco in Fla, but hell that was a great time.
So that was my big moment at babies 'r us -- that, and this store is insane!
You may be wondering why I'm driving my mustang again.... in case you hadn't heard I finally lost my job 2 weeks ago, which means the escape is gone. Sad, but on the bright side, I get to drive a cool car again every day. And yes dad, I know the best car in the world is a free car. But the second best car in the world is a hot sports car.

1 comment:

  1. "I get to drive a cool car again" I'm insulted! The escape is still a cool car, especially in bright yellow!
