Bristol Morgan was born on November 3, 2009 at 10:46 am. Obviously aware of her Mama's disdain for those that are tardy, she came on her due date and just 4 minutes prior to what was my scheduled 40 wk appt with my midwife. She weighed in at 8 lbs, 3 oz & 20 inches long and is just perfection.

Things really began the Saturday prior to her arrival (Oct 31st). I began having the "real" contractions, although quite randomly. I had always thought she would come that weekend, but the contractions just continued sporadically. Sunday night into Monday morning (Nov 1st & Nov 2nd), I was awaken a few times with contractions and Monday morning they began to get somewhat regular. I went for my weekly massage & chiropractic adjustment and had a few more contractions while I was there. I then headed in to work. Contractions continued and varied from 10 min apart to 40 min apart throught the entire day. I went for my still daily walk at lunch time and cut out from work slightly early to head to my acupuncture appointment. My appt was at 330 pm and my acupuncturist told me I would have this baby by noon tomorrow (Tue, Nov 3rd) -- I wasnt soo convinced, but as she wiggled the needles in the pressure points, each time I would have a contraction. By the time I got home around 5 pm, I was having regular, timeable contractions at 10 min apart.
I decided I should eat and made myself a roasted chicken sandwich and waited for Ryan to come home from work. I dont think Ryan really believed me when I told him about the contractions. They continued through the evening between 8-10 min apart. I tried to lay down and go to sleep, but they were too painful to handle when laying down. I took a good shower and then went downstairs. Ryan went off to bed without me and I told him if they kept up we would be heading to the hospital. He then slept blissfully unaware while I labored downstairs all through the night. By midnight, the contractions were about 5-6 min apart. I could only handle them by walking around - so I literally paced around the downstairs of our house all night with 4 little dogs following me wondering what was going on. I could sit down inbetween contractions, but when I felt one coming I would have to get up again. I was at the point where I had to stop at the peak of the contraction and lean & sway & breathe to get through them. By around 2 am, they were about 4 min apart. I was told to call my midwife when they were 5 min apart for an hour, but she said I could wait longer if I felt okay since I wanted to labor at home as long as possible. I was having very strong contractions every 3-4 minutes and smaller contractions inbetween that werent nearly as bad. By 3:30 am (Tue, Nov 3rd) I began feeling very restless and the need to go to the hospital. I decided to take another shower & then I would call Joanne (my midwife). While I was in the shower, Ryan woke up and came to check on me. I told him to finish packing and get ready. He still didnt believe and kept questioning me if I was sure we needed to go. I think we were both nervous about getting to the hospital "too soon" and me not having much progress. At my last appt at 39 wks, I was only 1 cm & 70% effaced. So I had a lot more to go. I really felt restless though and I made the call to Joanne around 4 am. She seemed skeptical as well since I was so calm, but she told me to make my way to the hospital and she would meet me there.
I finished packing and getting dressed and we got to the hospital around 5 am. I had 3 strong contractions on the 6 min drive to the Hospital and made Ryan stop the truck during them since the bouncing of the big truck was not conducive to me coping with the pain. When we arrived, I started to get nervous because my contractions seemed to slow, which they said is normal. My midwife checked me right away & Ryan & I were both surprised & pleased to learn I was already 5 cm & 100% effaced. We were going to have a baby today!! We both called our parents quickly. They popped me on the monitor for 15 minutes to make sure the baby looked good & she did. So I was allowed to be removed from the monitor and labor as I wished. We mostly made what felt like a million laps around the maternity floor. At the peak of the contractions, we would stop and I would lean on Ryan like you used to slow dance in middle school & he would rub my low back and I would breathe. We did this for a couple hours and every 1-2 hrs, the nurse would hold the monitor to my belly for a few minutes to check the baby. My nurse was wonderful and she allowed me to stand during this and not get back in bed, since the pain was much harder to handle laying down. I tried to embrace the pain and realize that its my cervix opening so that I could meet my baby soon. It worked well for me. At some point, I wanted to get in the shower. The water really helps with the pain. Unfortunately, the shower was soo small, so Ryan couldnt get in there with me. But I probably stayed in there laboring for atleast an hour. Ryan would keep bringing me water & snacks since I did not want an IV.
After I got out of the shower (probably around 830 am), the nurse suggested I try the jacuzzi tub. I was apprehensive since laying down was so hard on me, but thought the water might help. After being in the tub for a few minutes, I had a huge contraction and felt a big POP! My water had broke. This was at 9 am. Ryan went and got the nurse and she said I could stay in the tub, but she would call my midwife since things would probably go fast now. I had one more contraction in the tub and decided I wanted to get out since the pain was not as manageable laying down like I had thought.
We made our way back to our room where they checked the baby again (she was still doing great!). Then Joanne had me lay down so she could check me. I was just over 9 cm! Ryan and I were so shocked and excited that I was almost there already. Joanne said I just had a little lip of cervix left on the right and she had me lay on my right side to try and get me fully dialated. I was now in transition and the contractions were at their highest. On the monitor, they were off the chart and lasting much longer and not much rest inbetween. I had to take it one contraction at a time and it was very difficult laying down. I finally got up and asked to sit on the toilet. I peed one last time and then got back in bed & it was time to push!
I started pushing around 10:15 am on Nov 3rd. In the beginning, I wasnt pushing effectively because I was letting air out while pushing. I was sooo tired. I had been up for so long and not only awake, but constantly walking. I remember my legs shaking and I couldnt hold them up myself, but Ryan & the nurse were there to help me. I pushed for about 30 minutes, but at my own pace. I could feel the contractions build and the urge to push and I would let everyone know when it was coming. I just listened to my body. I remember her crowning and everyone telling me they could see all her hair. I remember being asked if I wanted to reach down and touch her head, but I said no. I didnt want to put a visual to all the pain I was feeling!
At 10:46 am, Bristol Morgan was born. She was perfectly healthy & beautiful & very pink. She was placed on my chest and we dried her off. I remember her grabbing my finger. Her apgars were 9 and then a perfect 10 at 5 minutes. I have never seen Ryan so happy in all my life. Of course he cried. I was exhausted, but I had my perfect little girl.
We cleaned her off on my chest and I was allowed to keep her for almost 2 hours before they took her for her bath. I do remember being stitched up and that probably hurt the worse since I still didnt have any pain meds. Apparently, I started losing a lot of blood so they clamped her cord & had Ryan cut it and started me on pitocin to get my uterus to clamp down. I then nursed her for 20 min on each side within an hour of her birth. It was truly amazing.
Bristol was then taken to get her bath and get checked out. Ryan went with her per our birth plan. Thats when they tried to get me up and I apparently passed out in the bathroom with the nurses. I just remember the nurse grabbing me and pulling the emergency cord to get more help. I had lost a lot of blood and my bladder was too full and pushing on my uterus preventing it from contracting back like it was supposed to. They got me back in bed and eventually after threatening to cath me, I was able to pee & get back in bed. I remember being very exahusted and shaking and weak and just wanting to hold my baby.
Then Ryan was back with Bristol and he held her next to me since I didnt have the strength too.
Throughout everything, Ryan was my strength and support & I couldnt have done this without him. Bristol's birth was amazing and I wouldnt change a thing. Im so thankful to have a beautiful, healthy baby.