Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bristol Update

So at my 37 week appt on Tuesday, my fundal height (aka my belly) was still measuring 34 weeks. I had been having regular growth up until 34 weeks & then it just kind of stopped and I had been measuring the same for the past 3 weeks. If you are more than 2 weeks they usually start to check things out (ie growth restriction & fluid levels). Since I was measuring 3 weeks behind (aka 3 cm), my midwife decided to send me for an ultrasound to make sure verything was okay.
Had the ultrasound today & baby is looking good & my fluid level was very good. Baby Bristol is just a little on the small side (which is what I thought). She is measuring around the 30th percentile and they estimate her weight at birth will be high 6 lbs to low 7 lbs, which sounds good to me! She is in position - very low, head down & facing towards my back, which is good for delivery, but it meant we couldnt see her little face at all. So no cute pictures. It did appear that she had some hair though. So basically, I just have a smaller belly & baby & she has already started to drop, so she is lower down.
Good news all around.
So now my question I go & buy clothes in "newborn" size? I always thought the 0-3 months clothes were looking a little big. From what I can gather, if she's born that little she will be in newborn clothes for about a month. I currently have 3 long sleeve onesies, 1 sleeper & 1 outfit in newborn sized. Ahhh

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