Wednesday, April 15, 2009

and its Wednesday...

We are now the proud (?) owners of a new 30 year fixed mortgage! Oh yes, we finally closed on the re-fi .... it only took about 6 months because they really wanted to bring it down to the wire and verify my employment the day before I was laid off!! Snuck by on that by the skin of my teeth. Writing big checks still makes me want to barf since we had to pay off our loan we took for the business in order to get the mortage. So now we have the pleasure & added stress of re-applying for that loan....this is when we find out how much Bullshit Obama was shoveling at us. Oh please if we can actually get a business loan (you know, he was all about helping & aiding small business owners!), I will eat my words. I promise.
Thankfully, Ryan bought me an omlette after we signed our lives away, which made me feel a little better.
So one thing crossed off of that 'things that stress me out way too much' list.

Also, I would highly recommend NOT reading anything about SIDS while you are pregnant. For some reason in the "baby bargains" book I am reading, they wanted to go in depth about how crib bumpers can cause infant death/suffocation. This is not something you want to read/think about while enjoying your frosted mini wheats at 7 am. It will induce a panic attack I tell ya!

Other than that....still feeling good....still down those freaky 2 pounds (but I'm not complaining).
Also had my dentist appointment today (see this day rocked, right?!) and thankfully was told I could put off getting my crown until after the baby is born as long as my temporary filling continues to hold up -- see, good news!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the Refi....glad you are feeling good!!

    Stop reading all of that SIDs Stuff!!! You'll make yourself crazy with worry....
